Friday, July 4, 2014

Rural France and Colmar

After Paris, we met up with our wonderful Dutch driver Gerard, and traveled from Paris to our next hotel, the Perle des Vosges.  Located in the middle of nowhere (but in a good way), we had some interesting unplanned interactions with the locals, which is one of the many unexpected benefits of traveling.

View from the hotel

To give you an idea of how rural this place was, here's a short video: 

Dinner at the hotel

While we were eating, one of the other guests randomly pulled out an alphorn and gave us an impromptu performance. 

The group loved the alp horn.  In the background, you can see Gerard, our driver. 

The guy let us test it out as well.

Jesse gave it his best, but it's more difficult than it looks!

Seated at a table next to us was a group of Belgian mayors who were on one of their yearly bicycle tours through rural France. This slightly tipsy Belgian mayor came over to my table numerous times and thanked us for saving Europe from the Germans.

The next day we packed up and headed over to Colmar.  Colmar is a small French town near the German border.  There's not much to do here, but it's a great place to wander around in for a few hours.

Colmar is a small city near the German border.  There's not many tourist attractions here, but it's a beautiful city to wander around in for a few hours.

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